Here is an excellent article from Jeff Duncan of The Times-Picayune constrasting the different celebration styles between Packers fans and Saints fans. Let's just say that Packers fans are a little more subdued. It is very reflective of the NBC promo for tonight's game in which a group of happy, peaceful Green Bay fans enjoying a neighborhood cookout are intruded by a Brass Band leading a group of Saints fans doing a Second Line Parade. While the article focuses on the different collective personalities of both fan bases, it also makes the comparison between the similar playing styles that each team shares with their quick strike offenses and opportunistic defenses.
Can't wait till kickoff!
Green Bay Packers' celebration in stark contrast to New Orleans Saints'
By Jeff Duncan, The Times-Picayune
GREEN BAY, WIS. - About 40 people gathered in front of a wooden fence across the street from Lambeau Field on Monday to take part in what has become a ritual in this tradition-rich football town. The second annual Fence Paint & Tailgate Party attracted a small army of grandmothers, toddlers and businessmen decked head to toe in green and gold and armed with paint cans and brushes.
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